How to solve 0x800c0133 Outlook Error Code

How to fix Outlook Error Code 0x800c0133

Step 1: Check for system corruption
1. Hold Win Key + R. Run Dialogue Box will open up.
2. Type CMD and Press OK.
open command prompt3. In command Prompt Copy following commands (Simply select the command and hold Ctrl+C and press Ctrl+V in command prompt)
 sfc /scannow 
sfc scannow
The system will take some time to check. Let it run for a while. If it finds any issues in “operating system” integrity it will automatically fix it.
Note: You will need Administrator Access to Run the above command. Simply Right Click on CMD button and select “Run as Administrator
 You can contact our 24×7 customer Live Technician for any help during the whole process. 
Step 2: Check Proxy Server Settings
1. Press Windows Key + R. Run Dialogue Box will open up.
2. Type CMD and Press OK.
Office Resolve Error Proxy Check 3. In command Prompt Copy following commands (Simply select the command and hold ctrl+c and press ctrl+v in command prompt)
 netsh winhttp show proxy 
Check Proxy Setting
Note: You will need Administrator Access to Run the above command. Simply Right Click on CMD button and select “Run as Administrator
If you get the message “Direct Access (no proxy server)“, continue to the next step otherwise disable proxy from Network Settings.
 You can contact our 24×7 Live support for any help during the whole process. 
In most cases Outlook error 0x800c0133 should be resolved by following above steps. 


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