How to Fix Steps: 1392-26 Error Code office updates

This 1392-26 Error Code office updates is mainly occurs when Microsoft Office Update happens or uselessly occur after windows updates happens. Or there so many temp and hash file generated for Microsoft Office. 

Providing some appropriate step that has been taken from :

Steps to resolve Error Code 1392-26

The steps given below should be followed under strict supervision of a Computer Expert. We are not responsible if anything goes wrong with your PC following the steps. All the steps given above are indicative and should resolve the problem in most cases.  You can contact our 24×7 technical support for guaranteed resolution of the issue.
Step 1 Check for corrupt system files:
1. In Start Searchbox type “cmd” (without quotes)
2. Click on CMD
open command prompt3. In command Prompt Copy following commands (Simply select the command and hold Ctrl+C and press Ctrl+V in command prompt)
 sfc /scannow 
sfc scannow
The system will take some time to check. Let it run for a while. If it finds any issues in “os” integrity it will automatically fix it.
Note: You will need Administrator Access to Run the above command. Simply Right Click on CMD button and select “Run as Administrator
 You can contact our 24×7 customer support for any help during the whole process. 
Step 2 Get Rid of Unwanted Junk Files
1. Goto Control Panel and type “Disk Cleanup” in search box.
2. Click on Disk Cleanup .
Step Fix 1392-263. Drive Selection Box will open up. Select the OS drive and Press OK.
Select Drive for Diskcleanup4. Tick all the check boxes and Click OK.
Tick All Boxes and Press OK

In most cases error code 1392-26 should be resolved by following above steps.


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